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Playwrights at The New Orleans Bookfair

Saturday December 10, 2016, Alligator Pear Publishing will be at the 15th annual New Orleans Bookfair, and we won't be alone! Our favorite playwrights will be joining us throughout the day to hang out, press the flesh, and sign copies of their plays.

As if that weren't reason for celebration enough, this will be the first appearance of our newest release, Oregon Trail: The Play! by A.J. Allegra. For those unable to make it Saturday or too impatient to wait until then, Oregon Trail: The Play! is also now available on Amazon. A.J. will be signing his comedy honoring/skewering that most traumatizing/beloved of educational video games irrespective of where you got your copy.

Signing Times:

11-1 Andrew Vaught, Robin Hood (thief, brigand)

2:30-5 A.J. Allegra, Oregon Trail: The Play!


Clouet Gardens

near the intersection of Clouet St. & Royal St in the Ninth Ward


Saturday December 10th, 2016

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